Digital Signatures

PE Stamps now offers electronic signatures!

In addition to our signature stamps which can be ordered on our “Other Products” page, you can now order an electronic signature on your electronic files! Electronic signature stamps are available for all states as permitted. We use your signature file to create a high quality, clear signature on AutoCAD to eliminate any loss of clarity when making your signature just the right size for your stamp.

We offer AutoCAD DWG files with a signature and JPEG/TIFF files with a signature. Signature files can be ordered in black, blue or red.

You can upload your signature right when you order your stamp on our website. The better quality signature file, the better your electronic signature will be.

You can even add a signature to previously ordered electronic files. You can find the option to add an electronic signature to a previously placed order on our “Other Product” page.

All digital/electronic files are sent by email.

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